52 Reasons
"52 Reasons" deck of cards
They had their Cristal ready, but hey, we gonna pop it Thursday!
After years of departures of businesses big and small, Highland Park appears to be collapsing on itself in many neighborhoods. Fred Durhal, the city's former director of economic development, said there are more than 700 abandoned or damaged buildings in Highland Park, which is only 2.9 square miles in size, with a population of about 16,000.Link
'There is an unbelievable amount of degradation,' Durhal said.
At the abandoned police headquarters in the middle of town, bricks and cement are falling to the ground on a regular basis. Across the street, the fire department headquarters is condemned. The library is boarded up.
Standing on Blackwell's porch, you can see several abandoned homes. The lot next door is empty; the abandoned house that used to be there caught fire three years ago, and flames slightly damaged the west side of Blackwell's home.
'When I got out and heard the crowd, I programmed myself to say, 'I won't hurt,' ' he says.Amen to that. Some nice memories, and a nice read too. Link
But Kirk Gibson will not relive the fist pump.
He can't explain it. He will not repeat it. He never has. He never will.
'All the time guys are saying, 'Gimme the pump, Gibby,' but I can't do it,' he says. 'You gotta feel it. You can't be phony about it.'
As he limped between first and second base on that cool night long ago, the thrust of Gibson's right arm mirrored the thump of a city's heart.
He felt it. We felt it. It was so quick, so stunning, it captured our breaths and challenged our faith.