Monday, July 12

Fahrenheit 911: Notes + Sources

Has anyone seen this movie yet? Not showing down here. If you've seen it, please tell me what you think. This link is to a page on Moore's website that identifies some interesting tidbits from the movie.


Blogger david burnstein said...

Think of what Illinois politics would be like were it not for the Chicago liberal contigent? Scary. On that note, Laura, go read the following article:

It reviews and compares the recent books by David Brooks and a guy named Thomas Frank. Frank's book talks primarily to the perverse demographics of republican voters, but it also dabbles in the issue of religion. Excerpt:
"Frank's 'What's the Matter With Kansas? How Conservatives Won the Heart of America' is a sweeping account of how America's Midwestern heartland (epitomized by his native Kansas), once the realm of Populists, Socialists, and New Dealers, has become solidly, conservatively Republican. Frank's aim is to describe the "Great Backlash" against liberalism that began in the 1960s, was harnessed by Ronald Reagan in the `80s, and culminated in the mind-boggling paradox of George W. Bush's 2000 electoral victory in some of the poorest counties in Kansas (as elsewhere in the heartland) by margins greater than 80 percent."

9:30 PM  
Blogger david burnstein said...

The graphic is kind of nifty. If you're interested, you can check it out by going to the article:

and look midway down for heading "multimedia" and click it, or ticket.

9:58 PM  

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