Wednesday, January 11

Most-Educated Cities in the United States

More on US Census data. Kath's hometown ranks No. 5. But neither Chicago nor Ann Arbor make the top 20. The article concludes (for what its worth) that:
Education levels bode well for a city's economic success. More than half of America's 20 most educated cities also rank at the top of the list of the country's most prosperous cities.

Interestingly, a CNN survey finds an entirely different set of most-educated cities, all located on the east coast. Link to CNN survey.


Blogger Euge said...

Check the adverts posted next to this 'news'. A degree from 'Cappella University' counts?! Remember, none of the citizens of Athens at the height of its glory and grandeur had a degree. A good proportion, in fact, were illiterate slaves.

12:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I skimmed the CNN article correctly, it noted that the CNN study used 'graduate degree' as the main variable for defining "most educated" and tried to control for other variables by using a shortened list of cities. Wheras the other study defined 'educated' as having obtained a bachelor's degree and extracted data from the US Census. My guess is that most of the cities shown in the CNN study (a) host a university or are nearby and/or (b) possess a large number of think tank/consulting firms. I could be wring...but I wouldn't put my money on the CNN one (could be b/c I hate CNN).

9:52 AM  

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