Tuesday, June 24

Eat your veggies

And fruit, too. The fresh ones, with bright colors are best. I didn't know this, however:

But the superstars seem to be cruciferous vegetables: broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, arugula, kale, kohlrabi, mustard, rutabaga, turnips, bok choy, horseradish, wasabi and watercress.

These vegetables contain potent substances that seem to protect against cancer and appear to have antimicrobial activity. In April, scientists reported that substances extracted from broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables thwarted (in the laboratory, at least) the bacteria that cause stomach ulcers as well as 23 of 28 other common microbes and fungi. There's also evidence that eating cruciferous vegetables may help counteract the suspected cancer-causing chemicals found in grilled food.


Wednesday, June 11

Break Like the Wind

GQ interviews Hugh Hefner about family life at the Playboy Mansion. The interviewer begins by establishing that Hefner is detached from his children, a poor role model, and so on. The interviewer clearly has it out for poor Hef. Maybe he deserves it. He does sound like a schmuck. To hammer home the interviewer's vendetta, here's how it concludes:
"After about forty-five minutes, Hef appears to be losing steam. I turn off the tape recorder, and he rises from the couch. As he does, he rips the kind of fart that one does not even attempt to hide from. No one in the room blinks."
And no one blinks. You have to respect that. Link