Sunday, July 4

Let's Not and Say We Didn't

To promote harmonious communications, I propose that we permanently retire the following words from our respective vocabularies (if I hear these words one more time, I will vomit). Please add your own words to the list:

1. Cute

2. Coalition

3. Paradigm


Blogger david burnstein said...

Kath, are you familiar with the game called "bullshit bingo"? If not, I'm sure you'd get a kick out of it.

Check out Wikipedia's characterization:

12:00 AM  
Blogger Euge said...

Keep in mind the costs, however. If you want to be a poet "cute" rimes with a lot of words, some useful to lawyers, eg, "moot", "suit", and "loot". I agree re. "paradigm", although you'd miss out on the opportunity of saying "a para quarters beats a paradigms". As to "coalition", I'm not ready to foresake it. It's real handy when in discussing n-person games you want to obfuscate or when your tired of admonishing offspring and need to say to them "... coalition to you mother ...".

1:55 PM  
Blogger david burnstein said...

is not that a misprint? should it read "punk ass chimp"

10:52 PM  

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