Tuesday, August 3

Child Abuse?

Economist, Craig Depken, has this to say about a slideshow of Palestinian children:
This slideshow contains some pictures that are frankly very disturbing. Someone smart in Israel once said that the Palestinians would seek peace with the Jews when they loved their kids more than they hated the Jewish people.

Perhaps the same can be said for the rest of the Middle East. Until the societies in those countries decide that their children can have a better future without playing with guns and being indoctrinated to hate/kill the infidel, the West will have trouble making headway. Where are the gun-control advocates and children protective services when they could really do some good?

Much like the feminist movement, which seems conveniently quiet about how Islamic women are treated, those concerned about children and their future are silent about the way Islamic children are raised - full of hatred and jealousy but convinced that it is their religious duty to be so enraged.


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