Sunday, August 8

The Peculiar World of Fanatics

The link below is to a fine piece of journalism reminding us that Israeli society contains both "goodies" and "badies". The group described in the article is relatively small but politcally powerful and in many respects, dangerous. Its power stems from singlemindedness, an all-consuming belief in a biblical "greater Israel" from river to sea, as well as organizational energy and skill, all of which is fueled by religious zealotry and unconcern for the fate of the Palestinians. Incidently, many of these people are from the U.S. and if you read the article you'll likely feel as I do that we should be damn thankful to the Israelis for taking them off our hands.

Here is the Link.


Blogger david burnstein said...

You want to see fanatics in action, go read the reviews to this book...

[Please note, ratings of five stars = jackass, ratings of one star = sound and objective.]

Lesley (via Chris Alexandar) pointed me to this. It is disturbing. But, more to the point, it is obvious this polarization could be easily reconciled were there not so many dumb-ass republican shysters.

12:57 PM  

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