Wednesday, October 27

"Bush makes me laugh, and [that is why] I'm voting for him"

I shit you not, that is the thesis of David Gelertner's article in today's LA Times. Read this, it gets better:
Bush is funny. Americans have no litmus test for the presidency — but if they did, "sense of humor" might be it. Your sense of humor is an open door that gives other people access to your character, to the person you are. A humorless person is a mystery. We can't ever know him, so we can't ever trust him.
In modern times, we have occasionally elected a massively humorless president, and have always regretted it. It is no accident that Richard Nixon and Jimmy Carter are the two (a) least funny and (b) most embarrassing presidents of modern history.
[Bush] is gently amusing; Kerry isn't gently anything. When Bush made a mild little joke during the second debate ("I own a timber company? That's news to me…. Need some wood?"), the nation breathed a sigh of relief. In the hyper-tense atmosphere of a presidential debate, an impromptu joke is rare and precious, like a summer flower in miraculous late-October bloom (in New England).
Link. What in gods name is he talking about? Litmus test? Sigh of relief? No, that was no "sigh of relief," that was heartburn, my friend, indigestion. If this is a joke, the joke is on me, because I'm going to bed. Night.

Addendum: funny

Another addendum: Free Burrito!

Final Addendum, I promise: The ever-insightful Steve Landsburg puts forth this argument for why he is voting for Bush. I agree with him re: Edwards, but I am curious how he reconciles his argument with the fact that Bush has been one of the most protectionist, anti-free trade presidents in recent history. As with Galertner, his evaluation seems to be results driven. It is sad seeing smart people that I respect grasping at such assenine straws.


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