Friday, August 19

Sam's first day of school

Steph, Oliver, and I dropped off Sam at East Prairie Elementary school for his first day of kindergarten! The school requires parents to drop off their child in front of the school. We did that, and Sam got in a line leading to the front door with his classmates. Parents of the kindergarteners were swarming in the periphery with cameras, myself included. The kindergarteners were easy to identify in the crowd of elementary school kids. They were all standing in line, silent, and for the most part motionless. To help sooth Sam's nerves, before sending him to get in line, I told him that they did very bad things to children behind those school doors. I think that gave him some solace.

While dad enjoyed the first-day-of-school experience, Mom had tears in her eyes. She cried in the car on the way to school and while dropping him off in front of school. It was endearing. But I think it rattled Sam a bit. She is telling Sam, while she is crying, that there is no need to be nervous about his first day of school. I don't think Sam was convinced.


Blogger Euge said...

The notion that very bad things happen behind the closed doors of a kindergarten is no doubt due to your experiences in that progressive -- because the principle was communist -- French school where you learned in a variety of ways that your classmates were uncircumscided 'cons'. Remember driving you there with Alexi in back seat spitting the apple skin on the floor of the VW. Then picking you up in the afternoon when all the students sat still and silent in a circle for eternity or until their parent showed up, whichever came first.

2:00 PM  
Blogger david burnstein said...

And lets not forget the older kid that kept kicking my ass in the playground at recess, the god aweful lunches that they made me eat, the unbearably itchy school uniforms, and teacher's ruler, which she used to discipline students. Fortunately, I was never a victim of her ruler, but it was still traumatic to watch.

10:20 AM  

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