Funny guy, George Clooney
What is novel about this interview in Esquire is that the interviewer "googles" the actor's name and asks Clooney to respond to what people are saying about him. They begin by looking in vain for a positive review of Clooney's role in the movie Peacemaker:
Ok, that is less a demonstration of Clooney's wit than the interviewer's. Its a fun read throughout, in particular, see Clooney's discussion of "ball ironing" (on page 2) and, even better, the part about the monkey butt YouTube video (on page 3).The closest I can find are a handful of positive reviews of the Peacemaker DVD on Amazon. I also find this review, which Clooney reads aloud:
George Clooney is about as entertaining to watch as Michael Jackson being raped by the Gorton's fisherman.
"Wow, that's an angry cat right there," says Clooney.
One could argue that some would find that immensely entertaining -- but I agree that I think it is meant as an insult.
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