Thursday, June 17

Welecome to the Blogosphere

There is a somewhat interesting article in Time Magazine on the gaining popularity and influence of web logs.

If you are interested in exploring the realm of the blog, I can recommend a good starting point and some blogs that I peruse on a daily basis. A good starting point is Technorati. On the left hand side of the website is a category labeled "Services" and includes links to the news, books and current events that are most cited by blogs. It also provides a list of the 100 most popular (that is, most cited or linked) blogs.

The following are some links to Blogs I find interesting.

Economics blogs...
Marginal Revolution
Knowledge Problem
Cafe Hayek
Newmarks Door
The Idea Shop

I'm not sure the Economics blogs will appeal much to Steph, Kath, and Mom. However, I do think you gals will enjoy the following "Other" blogs.

Other blogs...
Boing Boing
Arts & Letters Daily

and some popular and influential political-based blogs...
Talking Points
Matthew Yglesias


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