Friday, March 4

What is wrong with this argument? (Offending Link)

I don't normally read, comment on, or link to articles by O'Reilly, but it appears that such links piss him off, so here goes.

Objecting to Congressman Barney Frank's objection to the Buster (the rabbit on Arthur) fiasco, Bill argues as follows (link to article):
Frank wrote a letter to [the education secretary] Spellings spelling it out: 'You have said that families should not have to deal with the reality of the existence of same-sex couples, and the strong implication is that this is something from which young children should be shielded.'

Well, yeah, Barn, that's correct. Many Americans believe that little kids should have a childhood and not be subjected to any kind of sexuality. I don't want to be offensive here, but who in their right mind wants to explain Norma and Barbara's lifestyle to their 4-year-old? Give the kids a break, OK?

...Introducing homosexuality into the little kid culture angers many Americans who believe sex in general is an inappropriate topic for small children, and that is a legitimate point of view whether Barney Frank or PBS likes it or not.

The sexualization of children is one of America's great scandals. Kids today are blasted out of a G-rated life far too early thanks to a greedy, irresponsible media and fanatical special interest groups. Yes, there is bigotry against gays, and kids must be taught to reject that at an appropriate age...Buster should absolutely stay out of sexual politics. It's OK to be happy, Buster, just don't be gay.
He makes a good point. If the couple were instead, say, Norm and Barbara it would be perfectly appropriate and not at all uncomfortable to explain to a 4-year old that Norm puts his penis in Barbara's vagina. It is the the nature of Norm and Barb's sexual intercourse that is the defining element their lifestyle. Actually, to more accurately capture their lifestyle, you probably need to diagram for the 4-year the particular positions Norm and Barb engage when they're having sex, how they satisfy each other sexually, etc.


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