Philadelphia Inquirer
Dad's hometown paper makes a reserved endorsement for Kerry. Excerpt:
The choice is vivid. The stakes are vast.OK, OK, we'll vote Kerry. Don't have a hemmorage. Link
...A hooded prisoner on a box has replaced a soaring lady with a lamp as the global icon of America's intentions. Our national discourse has grown peevish, choking on distortion and bile.
On Nov. 2, we can return to office the man who, since 2001, has spawned some of those ills and shown a shaky touch at healing the others.
Or we can go a new way, one alert to fresh global challenges yet rooted in the approaches that made the 1990s so productive. We can elect Democratic nominee John F. Kerry.
Dear fellow citizen, this is as important an election as any in which you've had a chance to vote.
The Inquirer's urgent, deeply felt recommendation: Cast that ballot on Nov. 2 for JOHN F. KERRY.
The Inquirer was, when I lived in Philadelphia, a hidebound Republican paper owned by the ultra-Republican Annenberg family. Maybe things have changed. If not, the endorsement is not only a resounding rejection of W whose policies they see, correctly, as the source of our nation's most dire problems but also an unambiguous declaration that a Kerry presidency offers the best hope for solving them. Most importantly, my elementary school, Thaddeus Stevens School of Practice -- TS was big time Pennsylvanian abolistionist but I've not idea what "...School of Practice" means -- was down the block from the Inquirer's offices.
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